

By: Aranel-Ireth

I was thinking about my condition like a woman who live in Mexico and the others women who live around the world and it´s good to me know the woman have better conditions than in other times. In spite of that almost women around the world suffer violence in their life and that is difficult to believe now because the women started a fight to eradicate that and for other people that situation don’t exist now because a lot of people talk about the feminism and some guys feeling that’s bad for them and that´s the reason who is important try to change one´s mind about the role of the women in the family, the politic, in our jobs or school, etc..If we want at the top of one´s voice tell everybody “It´s my right not only like a woman just like a human been have in my life better conditions without differences” we should try to re-educate our family, because in the family grew the love and respect and then the better situations comes.But we must change one´s mind about us and treat the others women with respect and love.Was in March 8th the International Woman´s Day and the women celebrated this day with conferences and the women was felling with a lot of power to do many things to change not only things like Woman´s Rights or Human Rights we understood we can make better things to change our world.
But Why not celebrate the woman all the days???? Finally we are important.
We don’t forget the woman´s fight because we had around the world a lot of stronger woman who fight to get the Woman´s Rights even some of them die when they defended the woman´s rights now the situations is different because we have more and more places to give, discuss and organize new groups to change the woman situation and that´s the reason that we have a lot of woman who created important organizations and men who feeling the interest to care the woman and give them again their rights.
Well… we go on with our life but we must have time off to reflect with our friends and our family not only the woman situation we must reflect the situation of the world and don’t leave the men situation outside because we live together and we go toward the happiness.
But we don’t need feel panic like men or like a woman with radical feminism or radical men movements because when us do that divide the world just like us don’t want happen and that would be horrible because we fight again and we shall create other kind of movements only to destroy the humanity even we shall destroy the most important feeling in the world like the love, the peace, the friendship, etc. and that´s not necessary.
I hope that words make you reflect for a time I don’t care if you are a men or a woman just think what happen with your family.

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